SayBitter’s posts
→As yet, unnamed.
· I think I need a bridge... something to…
Lyrics Review02-09-2009 · 02:11 PM
→Acoustic Guitar Pickups
· I love the Dean Markley. Clean, clear,…
Gear Talk08-13-2008 · 06:25 PM
· Squire. Strat. The generic cheap…
Gear Talk08-13-2008 · 06:21 PM
→Conversion Story
· I'm working towards recording this with…
Audio Review12-04-2005 · 08:43 PM
→Awake and Dreaming
· 1. The vocals (in my humble opinion) were…
Audio Review12-03-2005 · 05:42 PM
· I like it, but it's a little out of date…
Audio Review12-03-2005 · 04:11 PM
→Held him aside
· I voted big, cause this song is very well…
Audio Review12-03-2005 · 04:02 PM
→Holding on to Hope
· I might not have gone for the same style,…
Audio Review12-03-2005 · 01:35 PM
· I enjoy the guitar solo for the first…
Audio Review08-28-2005 · 05:15 AM
→Conversion Story
· Verse 1: Hiding in the shadows Is…
Audio Review08-27-2005 · 08:46 AM
→Everything Falls At
· I like the build up, very smooth, and the…
Audio Review08-27-2005 · 05:32 AM
→Assuming That...
· There are two things that Canada does…
Audio Review08-27-2005 · 05:24 AM
→No Subject…
· Aside from the obvious poor mix (which…
Audio Review08-27-2005 · 05:13 AM

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